Life at LLA

World Photography Day 2021- A Visual Tribute to the COVID Warriors

The District administration was the driving force behind the fight against COVID in the Nilgiris. However, this fight was made possible through the combined effort of a spectrum of individuals across various government departments, NGOs, a community of young volunteers, philanthropic individuals, and private organisations, who went above and beyond their regular work to help ensure that the Nilgiris battled through this crisis effectively.

Ambulance drivers, Biomedical waste management workers, Blood donors, Burial Service providers, Community leaders, The community itself, Counsellors, COVID survivors, the families of those who were affected, Doctors, Fire services, Helpline workers, Municipal workers, Media, NGOs, Nurses, Philanthropic individuals, Policemen, Sanitation workers, Social Workers, and many others.

The combined effort of every one of these people, those on the frontlines, those behind the scenes, and those playing a supporting role helped make the difference in the fight against COVID in the Nilgiris.

This World Photography Day, Light & Life Academy wanted to pay a visual tribute to representatives across this spectrum – our COVID Warriors. This is our way of acknowledging the spirit behind the fight.

Serving as a reminder that when we work together, we can triumph over any adversity.

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