Life at LLA

Moonlight Photography
The session on Moonlight Photography was taken by Sukil. To most, moonlight photography was completely new and all the students really enjoyed the session. So, it was a really different experience for me, for the first time I took pictures of landscapes at night! It was interesting to see how the Moon light falls in the same manner as the sunlight, however, moonlit landscapes are very different from day light landscapes. Also, I came to know of Moonrises and Moon sets, which I had never heard of before! So overall, it was a very nice experience for me as I came to know and see something new and fascinating.” – Mayank Pradhan Who would’ve thought shooting landscapes at night would be such an incredible experience! The whole terrain was literally shimmering and sparkling under the moonlight! I’m so glad I got the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of landscapes in a totally different “light”. So grateful for such nights. – Nandagopal Nair
Moon Light Photography
Moon Light Photography
Moon Light Photography
Moon Light Photography
Moon Light Photography
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