Life at LLA

Photography to Gastronomy - At a Click!
“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” – George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman An interesting day at LLA, when ‘rolls’ were reversed – Students donned the Chefs hats and took over the kitchen. Armed with a crash course in basic photography, the kitchen and hospitality staff turned official photographers covering the event and rose to the occasion, clicking some awesome shots of the students peeling, cutting, rustling up various dishes and even cleaning up. Coming back to the action, the students took over completely – from purchases to preparation to presentation, they did it all. Gnana Soundhar, the Executive Chef for the day, managed the kitchen with aplomb, apart from churning out his signature dish – Paneer butter masala! The other dishes on the menu were Gobi Manchurian, Coleslaw and Coconut Milk Pulao. Yummy!!! Much laughter, merriment, music and noise, but the focus was on turning out a sumptuous lunch for all. The proof of the pudding is in the eating however and the queues for the multiple helpings were ample proof that the Lunch was a lip-smacking success. Waiting for a repeat, Gnana and Co.!
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