Life at LLA

Color Workshop

The students were introduced to the fascinating world of Colour in a workshop led by Dr. Margaret Thomas and Dr. Swapna Sathish, faculties at Stella Maris, Chennai. Right from the History of Art and Colour even as it transitioned to Photography, and the relationship between colour and emotion, the students were given some very valuable insights to begin understanding the nuances of Colour and applying them to Photography.

They were then able to internalize these concepts in an activity by taking them back to when they were children!

“It was an interesting approach to understanding colour. We looked back to when colour was prominently used in the visual arts, like in Paintings and so on, in order to understand its role in creating an emotion or a mood”.
– George Ramapuram (Batch 19-20)

Color Workshop - Photography class
Color Workshop - Photography class
Color Workshop - Photography class
Color Workshop - Photography class
Color Workshop - Photography class
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